Chez Blizzard, venez travailler entourés de chiens, de chats... et d'araignées !

Arkentass | 15/09/2017 à 11h20 - 30

Au campus de Blizzard à Irvine ne se trouve pas uniquement les différentes équipes de développement des différents titres. Vous y rencontrerez également une multitudes d'animaux de compagnie, majoritairement représentés par les chiens et les chats. Retrouvez ci-dessous un article publié cette nuit les concernant ainsi qu'un résumé des points les plus intéressants. 

  • Les animaux de compagnie sont une partie importante la vie chez Blizzard et peuvent être trouvés sur l'ensemble du campus. 
  • Il y a plus de 750 animaux enregistrés. Environ 50%, majoritairement des chiens, sont régulièrement présents. 
    • 704 chiens, 36 chats, 5 lapins, 1 tortue, 4 poissons.
    • Celestalon indique également la présence de deux oiseaux et d'une araignée. 
  • Les plus présents sont les corgis (74) et les terriers (73), les premiers étant d'ailleurs très représentés dans World of Warcraft. Ceux-ci se rencontrent sur le campus et sont parfois de la même famille.
  • Dès l'enregistrement de leur animal de compagnie, les membres de Blizzard peuvent choisir de soutenir l'Alliance ou la Horde. 
  • Les animaux doivent être enregistrés, l'espace de travail doit leur convenir et ces derniers ne doivent pas gêner les employés. Ils doivent montrer un bon comportement et n'ont pas accès à certaines zones, comme les cuisines où la cafétéria.
    • Les animaux enregistrés doivent également signer un NDA avec leur patte et ne pas transmettre d'informations concernant les projets de jeux secrets de Blizzard.
  • Vous retrouverez ci-dessous les détails des différentes races de chien sur le campus. 
  • Plusieurs photos des chiens et chats de Blizzard sont visibles plus bas.
  • Il est impossible d'imaginer la vie chez Blizzard sans animaux, et difficile de parcourir les locaux sans en trouver un.

Pets are an important part of our lives, and, at Blizzard, they’re also a unique and treasured part of our workplace culture. While plenty of research supports the benefits of working alongside our pets—stress relief, increased cooperation, faster work—we also just like being around them! Pets can be found nearly everywhere at our Irvine office: at people’s desks, in meetings, and hanging out by the giant orc statue in the center of campus.

I'm always surprised by how so many people on campus know my dog's name! I’m not sure how he became so popular, but maybe one day he will climb the corporate ladder and counsel our game directors on the big decisions.

Jessi Shaver, UX Designer, IT - Corp Apps

What types of pets?

There are over 750 pets registered at Blizzard. Roughly 50% of these registered critters—mainly dogs—are regularly on campus... but owners have registered a few other animals, too!

DogsCatsBunniesTurtlesFish (Aquariums)
Pet Count70436514

Pets help bring us together

Corgis are nearly tied with terriers for the most popular dog at Blizzard (74 corgis v 73 terriers), and you might’ve seen our love for corgis expressed in World of Warcraft. On campus, corgi owners often coordinate get-togethers—there are even half-siblings and cousins who have pup-sized family reunions at work. Two corgis on the Overwatch web team are known to longingly look at each other, waiting for their owners to take breaks so they can play.
The corgi owners on campus got together for a special portrait.


Every registered pet gets an official Blizzard pet tag. Pet owners can choose a side to support: Alliance or Horde!Custom Tags

Basic Rules

Blizzard has guidelines in place to make sure pets don’t get in the way or bother our employees. Pets must be registered, the workspace must be suitable for them, and colleagues in the area must be comfortable around them. All pets need to be properly licensed and vaccinated, must not demonstrate unacceptable behaviors, and are restricted from visiting certain areas, like kitchens and the cafe.

Registered pets are also asked to place their pawprint on an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and refrain from passing along information about any secret games Blizzard is working on.

Tag Choice462289


Here is the breakdown of the most popular dog breeds along with some photos. You can check out more of the Blizzard dogs at

Blizzard Dogs

Dog BreedNumber
Labrador retriever66
shiba inu25
shi tzu16
golden retriever9


A few employees bring their cats to work, and let everyone know the cat is in for the day, so each cuddly feline can receive visitors. Some of the cats required extra training so that they remain on the desk or wait patiently in a cat carrier without wandering around. Others use leashes. Their training's very impressive!

More Pets


He sleeps too much here...part-timer.Jason Hinh, BIIS


Being able to spend all day with my buddy Russell is the icing on the cake when it comes to working at Blizzard. He's been adopted by all the engineers who sit around me, and he is now the official World of Warcraft Tools Engineering pup.Brian Inboden, QA


Zeus loves to swim, prefers sleeping under blankets, and enjoys eating waffles. He has been featured on the Animal Planet show "My Cat From Hell" (he’s not a hellcat) with Jackson Galaxy, and even appeared in a US Weekly article.Jay Combs, BIIS

One time, at Blizzard, the external internet went out. Most of the nearby dog owners decided that was the perfect time to take their dogs outside for a break. A big dog party developed in the center grass area between multiple buildings while we were waiting for word that the internet was restored!

- Geoff Fraizer, Editor

We can't imagine life at Blizzard without pets.

It’s hard to go anywhere around the Blizzard campus without seeing a pet. Whether they're a huge part of our lives, whether they’re a welcome visitor, or whether we’re an impartial viewer, we know that these pets are doing a service as they help us create epic experiences. Thank you, Blizzard pets, for all that you do for us!
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